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位置: 首页 > 教理研究 > 阿含经专题 > 阿含典籍·阿含研究·巴利文经论及英译·增支部五集175经


发布日期: 2006-01-01 浏览量: 2,593 次浏览


Anguttara Nikaya V-175

Candala Sutta

The Outcaste

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Translator's note: This discourse lists -- first in negative and then in positive form -- the basic requirements for being a Buddhist lay follower in good standing.

"Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is an outcaste of a lay follower, a stain of a lay follower, a dregs of a lay follower.

Which five?

He/she does not have conviction [in the Buddha's Awakening]; is unvirtuous; is eager for protective charms & ceremonies; trusts protective charms & ceremonies, not kamma; and searches for recipients of his/her offerings outside (of the Sangha), and gives offerings there first.

Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is an outcaste of a lay follower, a stain of a lay follower, a dregs of a lay follower.

"Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is a jewel of a lay follower, a lotus of a lay follower, a fine flower of a lay follower.

Which five?

He/she has conviction; is virtuous; is not eager for protective charms & ceremonies; trusts kamma, not protective charms & ceremonies; does not search for recipients of his/her offerings outside (of the Sangha), and gives offerings here first.

Endowed with these five qualities, a lay follower is a jewel of a lay follower, a lotus of a lay follower, a fine flower of a lay follower."



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